Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunshine and Rain

Every wine ever made comes from grapes that must have two things, sunshine and rain.  Approximately 1300 - 1500 hours of sunshine during the growing season and 27 inches of rain throughout the year to be approximately exact.  Although it is not impossible to have both sunshine and rain, (Any wealthy leprechaun knows that.) it is most unlikely to have them both at the same time.  Cloudy and rainy aren't the ideas one conjures up when they think about "wine country" anywhere.  There is a larger point to be made here with regard to sliver linings and gray clouds, but that would be hackie. So let's just say this, everything good that wine represents has a few gloomy rainy days all bundled up inside.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I visited The Wine Kitchen for the first time last night and was seriously impressed! It's fantastic to have a place like this nearby. I will definitely be coming back, and recommending it when out-of-town friends are visiting!