Monday, December 29, 2008

Best Wine Improver of All Time

There are countless gadgets, widgets, "scientifically proven instruments", howdoyouwatchyoucallits and other stuff that can supposedly improve a wine that might otherwise need improving.  I am all for the advancement of science and technology but some "advances" just seem silly.  Like spending $25 on a piece of metal that when dipped in your $6 bottle of Cabernet makes it taste like a $20 Cabernet.  

My first thought is to buy a $15 dollar bottle and save your self the silliness of dipping a piece of metal in your wine.

Plus, I can suggest something that will improve the quality of any wine you purchase. Guaranteed.  Any wine, from a $5.99 1.5L bottle of something with a neon frog on it, to a 1947 Cheval Blanc (Arguably the greatest wine ever made. So I hear.) will almost instantly improve once this thing is added.  You don't have to dip this thing in the wine, strain your wine through it, wave it around the bottle in figure eights or any such other ritual hazing of your wine.  I'm not even selling it or saying you can only get this from a special place where you have to know a secret signal.  No, what I offer is something you hopefully do every day.  Laughter is the most powerful and secret wine improver in the world.

Laughter is what makes any wine seem more "smooth," "lush," or "soft."  Laughter gives wine all those special things that we look for in a good bottle, enjoyment, appreciation and relaxation. So save your money and wine gadgets for a re-gift next year.  Invite a few friends out for a glass of wine and laugh out loud with your head back and knee firmly slapped.  Best glass of wine you will have had in a long time.

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