I have always found Tuesdays to be the best days to try something new. Tuesday is the day of the week that is often lost in the daily morass of week to week life. Monday is Monday and cases of the "MOONdays" abound. Wednesday is "hump day." Thursday is almost Friday and Friday even has its own acronym. Then it's the weekend! Tuesday is the day with no more meaning attached to it than it is the day between MOONdays and hump days.
So use your Tuesday to try something new and different with a bright eyed optomisitc outlook that this the new thing will be really great once you have tried it. There are no limits to to "New Stuff Tuesdays." You can try a new way to get to work or a new sandwich at lunch. If you tie your left shoe before your right usually, try it the other way. The only key is to approach a new task with wide eyed optimisim that whatever new thing you are trying, it is going to be totally awesome. You may get burned a few times like when you try a lunch of iceberg lettuce and ketchup, but more often than not your optimism will be rewarded.
Salsify is a great New Thing Tuesday item to try. Salsify is a member of the Goatsbeard genus of plants. You should try alone on that fact. It is a long tuber that has a sweat earthy flavor with a little tang of an oyster. It is delicious in a puree, especially with fish. Even more so with a perfectly cooked piece of Artic Char. You could try the Salsify with the Artic Char and really send Tuesday over the moon.
Try something new. Start a movement.
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